CX tools for successfully implementing a customer experience strategy

Herramientas CX para implantar con éxito una estrategia de Customer Experience. CSAT y NPS | CX Tools | Ferramentas CX
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Concepts like Customer Experience or Customer Experience have made their way into the wishlist of numerous companies and organizations in their desire to optimize the customer experience. Others, aware that ‘CX is the new black’, have managed to implement these Customer Experience programs in their organization, improving their corporate culture and as part of a differentiation strategy against the competition. What is common to all these organizations is the pursuit of the same goal: providing the best experiences to their customers throughout their lifecycle in their interaction with the brand and throughout the entire purchase process.

But, what do we exactly mean when we talk about customer experience? It is a strategy that spans the entire customer lifecycle in their relationship with the brand or company, that is, before, during, and after the moment of purchase: from when they seek information about the product or service, make a purchase, use the product, contact customer service when they need help… even reaching the process of loyalty and renewal. In short, we could identify Customer Experience with the whole set of customer perceptions in their relationship with the brand or company.

But to successfully implement a Customer Experience strategy in the company, to identify each interaction of the customer journey and make this approach make sense, we must start by placing the customer at the center of the entire strategy and knowing exactly who they are, what they are like, what they need, how they relate to our brand, what expectations they have… and, of course, having the most suitable tools to answer all these questions.

In this post, we will go over some of the key points and tools that market research and customer knowledge techniques offer us to successfully implement a Customer Experience strategy in our organization. Let’s start with the basics to create your customer-centered strategy!

Key Elements in a CX Strategy

1. Listen to Understand

This first step to launch a CX strategy involves collecting information and data on customer experiences at each interaction with the brand. These touchpoints can occur through different channels, so it must be a listening and collecting customer feedback effort that is transversal throughout the company.

It is a process that involves a great effort and the use of customer knowledge tools, market research, etc., to capture all that customer feedback that helps the company understand their experience and make the most appropriate decisions to manage it.

2. Analyze to Execute

The next step in implementing a CX strategy involves analyzing the information collected at each touchpoint between the customer and the company in search of the reasons and motivations that make up that experience. That is, it is an analysis process whose objective is to establish actions to improve customer-company interactions, always taking into account the customer’s perspective. In this regard, it is recommended to follow a Customer Centric strategy that guides the steps and actions to be taken by placing the customer at the center of the decisions.

Just as in the experience collection point, it was essential to take into account all the interaction channels between the customer and the company, at this point, it is also essential to improve interactions throughout the customer journey of the customer, i.e., throughout the entire journey that they have with the brand or company.

Automate to Improve

Once the information about the customer experience has been captured and actions have been stipulated to manage it, the next step should be to provide those insights to all the people in the company involved in the customer journey with the aim of automating those actions.

This automation process will help the organization to continuously improve the experience provided to its customers, not just improving the experience in a specific or isolated interaction. Thanks to this, the company will achieve internal coherence from the customer response perspective, as all departments and responsible parties for each customer interaction channel are aligned, as well as from the organization’s perspective, which will have the same metrics to evaluate the customer experience.

CX Tools

It is evident that defining customer experience strategies is not an easy process, but it is a safe bet to improve the customer experience, foster customer loyalty, and reduce customer loss resulting from a bad experience; in short, achieve better business results. For this, it is necessary to have suitable CX tools.

If you are considering implementing a Customer Experience strategy in your company, at We are testers, we can help you with a Satisfaction Study. Thanks to our personalized online surveys, you can get to know your customer database or CRM better and their satisfaction level with your company or brand, as well as other indicators and metrics, such as NPS. All of these indicators will help you successfully implement the overall Customer Experience strategy and improve every step of the ‘customer journey.’

Contact us at, and we will assist you with the steps before implementing your Customer Experience strategy!

Update date 22 December, 2023

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