Marketing strategies for Generation Z

Generación Z | Generation Z | Generação Z | Gen Z
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We have talked about the consumption characteristics of the so-called Generation Z in this blog. It’s clear that new consumer generations like Gen Z think and act differently. Therefore, there is no choice but to adapt and devise marketing strategies focused on attracting them. Today, we will discuss some marketing strategies for Generation Z.


Marketing for Generation Z

It is proven that there are certain parameters that actions aimed at attracting new consumer generations must follow to align with these individuals.

In a saturated market with diversified and globalized purchasing channels, brands may need to differentiate themselves more than ever before. But genuine differentiation is crucial.

Let’s analyze several strategies that can help brands present themselves to their market as unique. Here are some marketing strategies for Generation Z.


A Unique Brand Voice

New consumer generations seek brands that project a unique personality, that position themselves.

And in this aspect, how they address their audience matters a lot. Cheerful and fun content is popular among younger consumer generations. Leveraging humor to communicate news and trends, echoing current events in a distinctive and identifiable way can be key.


Take a Stand

Related to the previous point, it’s important for Generation Z that brands demonstrate authenticity and have a social impact embedded in their mission.

Surveys show that 77% of individuals in this group admit to taking actions to support a cause and expect the brands they consume to do the same.

That’s why brands are making a great effort to convey to this consumer segment that they not only talk about certain issues and express their social responsibility but also take a stance and take concrete and demonstrable actions.

Topics like mental health, LGBTQ+ rights, diversity, equity, inclusion, gender equality, and the environment are crucial for this audience.

So, it’s time to explain the brand’s position, align it with its vision and mission, and communicate it, and truly act with concrete and demonstrable actions.


Build a Community Around the Brand

This involves seeking interaction between brands and their audience, encouraging them to express opinions, share, and participate…

Presenting user-generated content from the brand itself is a strategy that has become very popular. It also shows that the brand pays attention to what its consumers say about it.

Additionally, other strategies are focused on creating a community around the brand, such as live social media posts, asking for comments or ideas from consumers, creating private discussion groups, and more.

Throughout all of this, it’s important to remember that if followers and users are asked to participate, there should be a direct consequence that their content will be approved or used. It’s pointless to ask if their input will be ignored or rejected.


Emphasize Visual Content

YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram are the top three social media platforms among younger generations. All of them have in common a focus on images.

Generation Z consumers want to see short and engaging videos with eye-catching graphics.

Therefore, a marketing strategy for Generation Z requires creating high-quality images and audiovisual content that are concise and visually impactful.


Influencer Marketing

New generation consumers like to see real people getting involved. Not so much when celebrities try to persuade with their actions.

Therefore, it’s more likely that these consumers will be influenced by social media influencers.

It has been proven that brand collaborations with influencers in specific niches have been successful in increasing brand awareness among this type of audience.

65% of Generation Z individuals admit to making a purchase because an influencer recommended it.

It’s worth noting that the most effective marketing strategies for Generation Z in recent months are related to micro-influencers, individuals who are influential in very specific niches.

Admit Mistakes

Generation Z cares a lot about their values and is willing to stop consuming brands that don’t meet their expectations.

A brand’s mistake can quickly go viral and risk losing many customers in a short amount of time.

Therefore, the best way to prevent this is to be honest and sincere. Admitting a mistake promptly, openly communicating it, and explaining the actions that will be taken to address it is a good way to tackle these types of problems and maintain the loyalty of these consumer generations.

Provide Text-Based or Chat-Based Customer Support

New generation consumers don’t like talking on the phone; they may even find it intimidating or boring. Text messages are their preferred means of communication. They express this in surveys, where 85% state a preference for communicating with brands through automated systems or text messages.

Therefore, the message is clear: customer support should be geared toward the younger generation through the channels they prefer.


Offer Personalized Content

Personalized content is a proven strategy for all audiences, but it’s even more important when dealing with younger individuals.

Segmented marketing is the best tool for these generations to reach specific audiences.

Gathering valuable data and information to create consumer profiles for delivering more personalized campaigns is a trending and necessary approach.


How to Get to Know Generation Z

As you can see, the key is to get to know them—what they desire, what concerns them, what they yearn for…

It’s about obtaining valuable data, information that can inform decisions and actions.

To do this, there’s nothing better than conducting market research on this consumer niche.

Surveys, online focus groups, and even online customer communities are excellent tools where these consumers can participate and provide that valuable information.

And we can help you with all of that.

Update date 15 April, 2024

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