Crowdtesting and market research

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Crowdtesting derives from Crowdsourcing, an English term that means: crowd + sourcing, which means outsourcing tasks that were previously done by a provider to a large group of people, a community that may or may not get paid for it (sometimes it’s done for free). We’ll tell you how it works for use in your own tests.

What is crowdtesting?

Crowdtesting, as a marketing tool, is a new trend in the field of market research and product testing, where the goal is to leverage the benefits, efficiency, and effectiveness of open collaboration and the cloud, together.

This can be seen as disruptive, as it differs from the traditional model of testing or mystery shopping that has been done until now, where these actions were carried out by consultants or company employees, often at high costs.

Today, anyone can be a tester, anywhere in the world, and be rewarded for it. All that’s required is an internet connection, a mobile device, and registration on a testing platform where they can give their opinion, as is the case with the We are testers Online Community, for example.

Examples of crowdtesting

Let’s take an example: a company is considering launching a new product and doesn’t know what kind of packaging to choose. The proposal of crowdtesting is: «conduct a test with your target audience to get their feedback, this way you’ll align your goals with the needs of your audience and it will help you make the best decisions.» This preliminary study to validate our product can be done through a Product Test, which will help us make the best decision based on market opinion.

Brands or companies can also segment their audience by generating the sample that interests them the most. In other words, they have the option to choose testers with the characteristics of their target audience. This way, they ask different questions based on their needs and obtain qualified opinions from potential customers.

This way, they find out if what they offer will be liked, if their audience will buy it, how much they’re willing to pay for it, what features they want it to have, or if there’s something they don’t quite like about it.

Thanks to the tools and an integrated platform like We are testers, where we have both the consumer community and the necessary tools to carry out the research, this valuable information for brands is obtained in a short time, even in hours for the most urgent decisions. All within a controlled environment, with the possibility of detecting improvements, errors, or new ideas from consumers that add even more value to the study.

If you want to learn more about crowdtesting and receive more information and advice, don’t hesitate to contact us through our contact form.

Update date 12 April, 2024

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